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the ethiopian Community Association of Atlanta.

The Ethiopian Community Association in Atlanta, Inc. (ECAA) is a non-profit community-based organization that has provided a variety of community support services to people of Ethiopian origin in Atlanta and surrounding areas since 1983. ECAA is dedicated to serving, empowering, and advancing the interests of Ethiopians and Ethiopian Americans in Atlanta and its surrounding areas. ECAA’s goal is to help facilitate the integration of the Ethiopian community into American society while preserving and celebrating their rich cultural heritage. Contributions from the Spirit of DeKalb Awards will be used towards the revitalization of the 10 acre park adjacent to the Ethiopian Community Association located on Memorial Drive, to transform the beautiful space into a world-class park that includes an amphitheatre, edible garden, ball field, and more to better facilitate the needs of the greater community.

core values
Serve & Empower
Help & Facilitate
Create a Vibrant Community
Event Sponsors
DeKalb Chamber of Commerce BLK_Logo.png
BTS dekalb county ga.png
georgia pacific logo_edited.png
Goodwill Logo grayscale.png
Proudly Sponsored By Super District 7 Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson
and the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce

©2022 Created by Johnson Consulting Group, LLC

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